Electrical Tools
Daily: $35.00
5 Day: $148.76
Weekly: $208.26
- Info
- Literature
- Uses: Clean and precise work in cutting trim, deck and other corrugated sheet materials. The die rotates 360 and has a lock on sliding switch for continuous use, the nibbler also has a built-in thickness gauge for convenience.
- Dimensions: Length: 261mm, Weight 1.6kg, Max cutting capacity: Aluminium = 2.5mm, Mild Steel = 1.6mm, Stainless = 1.2mm
* Prices are subject to change. 10% GST included in price estimates.
* Please call us with any questions you may have about our nibbler hire. With three convenient store locations in North Geelong, Grovedale, and Ocean Grove, we offer our equipment hire & sales in Geelong and surrounding suburbs.